October 22, 2024

Work with experienced tutors in the art of circus skills. Learn amazing skills such as: juggling, diabolo, unicycle, stiltwalking, plate spinning, gigantic bubble making, drama games, clowning, twirling, carnival activities and more specialist activities such as acrobatic balancing, trapeze and tightwire.


Offering exciting and inspirational circus skills activities for children of all ages.
We are experienced tutors and performers and facilitate the learning of a wide range of circus skills, including-
Juggling, diabolo, unicycle, stiltwalking, plate spinning, gigantic bubble making, drama games, clowning, twirling, carnival activities and more specialist activities such as acrobatic balancing, trapeze and tightwire. 

We have years of experience working in a full range of settings and have vast experience in the fields of special needs, disabilities and also behavioural difficulties. 

We aim to make workshops challenging but achievable for all and ensure that all learners within a group will find an activity they warm to, and succeed. 

We can also add short stage performances for assemblies, circle shows for the playground at lunchtime, stiltwalker meet & greets all of which can include amazing tricks, comedy, audience participation, giant bubbles, glow juggling or even fire juggling. Performances add great excitement and context to the workshop activities.


We have worked in schools of all sizes, for all ages and in all possible settings- Infants, Juniors, Seniors and FE – we also have excellent experience with special needs children, blind groups, and deaf children. We always pitch the workshop at the right level and have adapted many activities to the age and needs of the group.
We can also specialise workshops to suit your objectives- working with others, communication skills, personal development. I am a PGCE qualified teacher and have integrated circus into a wide range of curriculi.


“Top class entertainment and tuition from a talented performer with a mesmerising range of skills.”
John Allinson – Parkland International Language

‘Bezekaz Circus have supported Fun Day events for us providing workshops and performances for children of all ages and abilities. They were absolutely brilliant, really enthusiastic and great with the children. They brought a real variety of circus activities with them. Definitely use again!’ – World Jungle ( Workshop in schools and community events organisers )